Saturday, July 19, 2008

Painting Test

So I haven't painted much. I was just fooling around with some acrylic based gouache, gouache, and pastels on BFK paper. This a very rough piece!


Anonymous said...

Damu pa kmu to?.. Nano ni klase blog man?

Anonymous said...

Your blog is very creative, when people read this it widens our imaginations.

RAWLS said...

hahahaha....I can see his little bottom. Cool sketch dude.

Oh, and those first two comments from the lotto spam people are are creative!!!...well, the second one is right anyway...The first one may be written by a 2 year old.... man?

irene said...

...i like little boys' butts too...

doing roughs is the way to do it! nice experiment =)

Jeffrey Cheung said...

i like the top washiness, i ALSO like his doggy proportions. :)

Chanp said...

hey this is lookin cool! how do u like the bfk?

Francis said...

bfk is just seems like water colour to me.