Monday, June 30, 2008


Just a submission I did for Eye Candy 2.0 on the Process Junkie blog. Unfortunately my piece wasn't selected.


Anonymous said...

What a great moment of reading blogs.

erika danusasmita said...

woww!!! so many updates already! i like that half-tree painting and this girl painting alot! which brush did u use for that tree painting? it looks so nice! and this girl is cute ^^

Francis said...'s LA? Thanks for the comments. The half tree painting,I was just playing around with the brush settings in photoshop. I think I just used one of the square type brushes and turned on color dynamics. I dunno, lol, play around!

Anonymous said...

Hey Francis, your dedication is really paying off, I see the improvement. Keep going man, woohoo!

Ambera said...

it's hilarious! Sorry it wasn't chosen, I think it's great.