Sunday, May 03, 2009

It's OVER!

I can't believe I just went through 4 years of college. Those were some fun times in the animation program, and I'm sure gonna miss everyone.

Well this is what I've been working on in my 4th year. Here are some clips from my independant film titled "Furnace."


Lisa Tao said...

yay its over :D
cute furnace!

Jeffrey Cheung said...

furnace yeh

Matthew Lau said...

niice man i really like how your film turned out

RAWLS said...

I'm so proud!
Great work my friend! I loved Furnace boy! You must have had some great people give you advice along the way... I can't think of who though?!
hahah...Furnace Yeh

trevor dalmer said...

hey man. i thought ur film was great too! love the way u conveyed emotions thru a char with no eyes, mouth or brows.. very tough but u nailed it! ur film has a great style too.

Nacho Molina said...

it looks great and funny. Animation its a hard way. Good look!

Yuriy Sivers said...

more like 5 years ;))) Yup... That's a big chunk of our life.

Furnace boy for Life!!!

Kenneth Tam said...

it is over. still in the mind set of going to college right now lol. Yeh! furnace yeh! good stuff as always. good overall feeling to ur film! hahahaa i got to say i luv ur music hahahaa

Javi Recio said...

looks great!!! goodluck in the exterior world!!!

Saigonradio said...

Dude it looks cool. Grats on finishing.

Unknown said...

Oh my god, wonderful art here!

Unknown said...

lovely work sir. A fun and inspirational blog to boot