Monday, April 30, 2007


Haven't posted much in a while. I've been very unmotivated to do anything since school ended. Here is a crappy cg of a Gwen inspired/referenced girl.


Jeffrey Cheung said...

Hey FRANCISSSsss this is cool, but you needa have more levels of tones in the whole painting.

Yuriy Sivers said...

Grey overload!

Just kidding! Gj FY!

Laura Z said...

i like the hair and the lips gj!
but mebe its not as onmodel?
still cool

RAWLS said...

Nice stuff Francis!
I'm going to steal your water colour pen.

RAWLS said...

ps. I didn't realize that said April 2007!!!! MORE posts please Francis!!!

Yuriy Sivers said...

UPDATE!!! :))))